Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bike Helmet

So. Today I bought a bike. I once had a pretty sweet bike (pre-mission years). I got it the summer before college, I think?! I also am a firm believer in bike helmets. So when I got that bike...I got a helmet. I could write as to why I am a believer in helmets, but another time, another place. (Just ask Melissa...she is a P.T. and I am sure she could tell you horror stories of traumatic brain injuries of people without bike helmets.) Anyway, that bike I had pre-mish got stolen while I was on the mission. So for a while I have wanted a new one. So today I got one. SWEET! But now I can't find the ole bike helmet. Busted. (Don't worry...I will get one). I was looking for the helmet today and I was looking in a random bin from college...the bin I like to call "my toy bin." Well, it flooded back a bunch of college memories. (I know, I know...a toy bin...from college. It's just how I roll.) There is a quote that says, "A man that lives in the past doesn't live at all." I have thought about that a lot. I try to live in the here and now, but I wlll say this.... I loved (LOVED) my college years. I found quite the extended family. I met people that became instant and life-long friends. I feel blessed to the max for my experience in college. I have the BEST memories of things that occurred. I loved it. I love the people and am grateful that they are still a part of my life. They have influenced and changed me for the better. They have supported me and well...told me to shut up when being stupid. They are real people....and that makes it sincere. Anyway, mushy stuff aside. The "toy bin" made me think of memories from the dorm days...aka my first year of college. So I thought I would write down memories of things I recalled and things I don't think I'll forget...but now at least, they are written down regardless of my memory.

The break down....10 random memories from a gazillion memories of dorm days. (I would like to point out that I have much of that year documented on film. I am pretty darn sure we could have been our own reality tv show.)

1.) Eryn realizing that cinder block walls were not sound proof. "What do you mean they aren't sound proof? You can hear all this?" (This was before she moved into my room...dang elephants.)

2.) Liz pulling Reenie back when everyone was running to hide in bedrooms because they thought we were about to get busted again.

3.) The mole hair found in the mashed potatoes at the cafeteria. Sick. Seriously. Sick.

4.) Timmy prank calling people as Ming-Na selling friendship bracelets and Mama J really ordering a friendship bracelet.

5.) Tina having her tv remote control velcroed to the wall so we wouldn't lose it.

6.) Everyone having their own specific dance move... "That B. stole my move"

7.) The "Chewey Cox" group walking around Vegas...trying to stay together.

8.) The parade down the hall...the scooter, the unicycle, the bike and then finally the vacuum being the "pooper scooper" so we didn't break the rules and leave marks on the carpet from the scooter.

9.) Realizing the final week that we lived in the dorms that the middle shower stall actually DID work.

10.) "I'm your host, Christina Collinwood"

11.) Tex and Mikey's workout.

12.) Pep!

13.) Someone stealing Piggy. I'm still ticked about that one. Although, it might have been Senior's snake that had gotten loose.
13b.) A question? Why was it like a freaking pet shop in there...we had a bunny, a dog, a snake, fish, etc etc etc.

14.) The "For the Love" and baseball charts. Such beautiful wall decorations in my room.

15.) Diehl's Dino voice....when he did it to Mikey. Bad news bears for sure.

16.) Newman Duncan at Juniper Hell...I mean Hall.

17.) All 30 of us walking to dinner together and putting our gum on the "gum pole." What was wrong with us?

Ok, well, obviously I could go on forever. This post was definitely for me. Anyway, I really rather enjoy my new bike.

Back to here and now.
T. Diddy


Seth and Eryn said...

I was laughing out loud reading this. Seth had to pause the tv & ask me what was so funny. I think I laughed the hardest visualizing Mikey & Tex's workout. (e: do they call you Tex in Texas? t:no, why would they?) Everything brings back hilarious memories. It was one of the best years of my life that I will always remember. So grateful for all of the great friends that I made that year away. I couldn't have asked for better people to live with, and grateful to still call you all friends. That post was for me too. And for sure, we could have rocked our own reality show. And just one more memory for the road. You forgot to include the biggest lesson you learned at college..."DON'T MESS WITH MY MONEY!" :)

The Martin's said...

what a great post... Do you remember when you brought me seriously over 100 pages on bike helmets and told me you would like a report on it. Those were good times. Miss you T.