Sunday, November 23, 2008

Bring on the bacon.

Highlights as of late...

1.) I would like to thank Sheena for her kindness in putting some decoration on my blog. The turkeys are in honor of the turkey dance she does...a once in a life time kinda show.
2.) My friend Natalie is having a baby in 3 weeks. I am STOKED outta my mind. I have known her since I was 3 and she has just been my friend forever so I am just excited to see her as a mama. And I am excited she went old school so we don't know what the sex of the baby is.
3.) I saw a sign today that said that Chicken cordon bleu will not be leaving Arby's any time soon. Just in case you were worried about that...I know that I can now sleep peacefully at night. (That is a lie...I could rest easily never having read that).
4.) I think most of us do one or two uncool things everyday....or maybe I am just saying that to make myself feel is mine for today. I drove the sister missionaries to Omaha and my friend Liz rode along. Well, Liz and the sister missionary started singing songs....well the song started off quieter and I reached for the volume button on the radio to turn them up...then I realized that it wasn't going to work seeing how they were live human beings in the I quickly grabbed some sunflower seeds pretending like that is what I was going for. It makes me uncool...but it's kinda funny.
5.) I got gasoline for a buck 79. just take that and smoke it in your piece pipe.
6.) I would like to give a shout out to my sister, Catherine. She's pretty much amazing. I was going to take one of the famous Starr Pizza Pan cookies to work and my co-worker was like, I want a turkey on the giant cookie. So Catherine made this freakin stellar turkey outta frosting on the top of the cookie. It was sweet.....people loved it. They thought she was professional...oh, cuz she is! Dang straight that's my sister.
7.) This lady is at work is highly confused. She thinks my nickname should be Mother Theresa...she obviously does not know me well enough...but I'll just keep her fooled for now.
8.) I got my hair did. Thank you Terri. It looks amazing. I wish I could have Terri make my hair look sharp every day. Melissa's homie told me that it matches better with my glasses...crack me the heck up.
9.) I would like to point out that I don't think that the bitter Nebraska wind got the whole global warming memo.
10.) The other day I accidentally deleted all the birthdays from my calendar in my cell phone. All I could think was the quote from Hook, "bad form jack" So if I forget your bad. Gotta hate when electronics are smarter than me.
11.) Have you heard about the pirates lately? (that sounds like the beginning of a bad joke). Anyway, I was sitting in the break room and CNN was talking about the pirates and this lady was saying how she can't believe there are pirates. Well I can because I think it would be awesome to become a pirate. Hands down that would be the raddest thing ever. I told them I wanted to be a pirate but that I guess I would have to leave Nebraska for that to work out properly....otherwise I'd just be kickin it on the man made lakes.
12.) Well my life is freaking awesome as of late. I just work and play. Who needs more than that?
13.) I happened to see the movie midnight...don't ask me it sisterly love/duty. I have not read the books nor will I. I am glad I sat by shannon who had not read the book so we laughed together at the parts nobody else was laughing at and I was also sitting next to Meg...who had read the books so she could keep us up to date on the story line. "Hold on my spider monkey." Apparently that is a good line....who knew.
14.) just here is my take home message for's a quote..." A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs. Jolted by every pebble in the road." I think we just gotta have happiness and top ten days!

....negative zero for forthcoming blogging adventures...i am getting a fish ASAP! I am excited times forty five.

one love,



Megalicious said...

You are getting a fish? That is SO exciting!

Seth and Eryn said...

Mother Theresa sounds like the perfect nickname for you.."I don't have time to judge, only to love". haha! Where's my shout out on your blog? Get to that...asap.

Ashley said...

You are one of the coolest people I know.

Sheenalynne said...

T I love that you like the turkey's! i'll keep changing it for you. I love reading your post and I know what you mean about the twilight books I think I will be so lost when I go to the movie, but I made a promise to stop making fun of the crazy fans and at least watch the movie. O and I would have loved to see that whole radio thing talk about crack me up! I do stuff like that all the time. If you wanna see the new niece go to my sisters blog. she looks like me:)

Brianna said...

T. Starr! I'm so stoked to officially be a stalker of your blog. Isn't it addicting? I am cracking up as I speak and look forward to the Starr family Christmas card each year. Shouldn't one be coming out soon? Yahoo! Anyway, you should stalk our blog too, though it's not even close to being as cool as yours. :)

Brianna (Holt)